
If you are reading this because you found this blog randomly or while doing you own research... here is a little bit about me...

My name is Christy and I was adopted within my own family as a young toddler. I never knew much about where I am from because the family is highly dysfunctional, no one wanted to talk or even remembered anything, or I was kept away and never got to know people. This blog is basically here to track notes and thoughts while I research my family tree and work with DNA matches. 

As for who I am personally, I am currently a resident of WV (was born in Balt. Co. MD) and share my quiet life with three furbabies; Jojo, Leah and Catsy.

I work as an admin support specialist and my hobbies include; genealogy research, writing/journaling, photography, movies, birding, and keeping up current events/news/politics. 

I do love music and road trips but those hobbies have fallen away over the years. Hopefully, I will get back out there someday. 

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